
Automation and Smart Ports

Learn about the UK’s most exciting port innovations from the experts making them reality. Scroll down to listen to the podcast.
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Smart ports

From the COVID-19 pandemic to the regulatory changes and labour disruptions due to Brexit, ports and their role in global supply chains have seen an unusual amount of disruption over the past few years.  

Today, Port Authorities and Terminal Operators need to find new – smarter – ways to make ports more efficient and resilient to the changing world. And those across the UK are leading the charge, introducing the latest techniques and technologies to create truly Smart Ports. 

In this episode of the KTN Maritime Innovation Podcast, Mark Wray, Thomas White, and Richard Willis share their experience of some of the UK’s leading Smart Port design projects. 

Listen now to hear 

  • How the Port of London Authority could benefit from smart forecasting tools to improve its resilience to climate change 
  • How Shoreham Port could add analytics tools to manage its use of assets, like beachside access roads, to maintain good quality facilities for members of the public
  • How Portsmouth International Port could deploy new technology to manage traffic control with automation to potentially reduce congestion and carbon emissions.

Listen to the KTN podcast series


And if podcasts aren’t your thing

We’ve condensed the key highlights from the podcast into a short summary, so if you’re short of time, you can still discover the top takeaways from Mark, Tom, and Richard.  
Download here
Smart Ports Podcast summary

About the projects

If you want more detail about the projects the team are discussing, you can read more about them here:

The leading experts featured on this episode are 

  • Mark Wray, Buildings and Infrastructure Knowledge Transfer Manager at Innovate UK KTN
  • Tom White, Ecosystems Director for Maritime at the Connected Places Catapult
  • Richard Willis, Technical Director for Port Technology at Royal HaskoningDHV
Richard Willis - Technical Director - Port operations & technology for Smart Ports


Technical Director - Port operations & technology for Smart Ports