Energy – offshore wind & environmental compliance

There's dizzying growth in offshore renewable energy and a temporary spike in LNG demand. To keep up, you need to make effective decisions quickly. Twinn gives you accurate insight – at the speed you need.

aerial view of an offshore wind turbine

Twinn provides comprehensive decision intelligence solutions that support the energy industry across development, deployment and maintenance.

Our solutions help you answer key strategic and operational questions. For offshore wind farm developers, these include: “What consent (permit) commitments are needed to ensure we mitigate potential impacts?” and “How do we assess marine infrastructure needs and maritime logistics so we meet ambitious delivery targets?”

For LNG operators, it’s questions like: “How do we balance storage, variable offtake and variability in vessel call/parcel size to optimise annual demand planning?”

Twinn solutions are backed by Europe's biggest offshore wind power environmental services team, energy consultancy experience supporting more than 22GW of offshore wind projects, and 30 years’ working across midstream and LNG.

Environmental consent management platform

Ensis provides a cloud-based platform for post-consent monitoring of large scale infrastructure projects, co-developed by our offshore wind team and a major offshore wind developer.

Read more
Ensis offshore wind solution

What you can do with Twinn


Your natural, regulatory and value chain environments
  • Establish the environmental baseline for offshore wind farms and efficiently monitor commitments using Twinn environmental intelligence and consent management solutions
  • Use logistics simulation to gain insight into the entire value chain – from production/generation to transport/distribution and consumption


How constraints and commitments will affect your business case
  • Calculate the risks and impacts of design choices and commercial options in a risk-free, digital environment using predictive simulation
  • Assess market opportunities and test delivery schedules for developing new assets, exploiting existing infrastructure and delivering more for customers


Delays, cost overruns and non-compliance incidents
  • Minimise losses (and enhance revenues) because Twinn simulation helps you calculate the impact of investment in infrastructure, transport and market development
  • Automate consent management and monitoring processes, reducing human error and mitigating legal risks


Installation, planning and maintenance operations
  • Minimise the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) through Twinn’s simulation and real-time monitoring capabilities
  • Maximise throughput and operational performance using smart analytics to inform annual demand planning

Digital transformation of offshore wind consent management

Discover how to improve your environmental consent process from site selection to commission of offshore wind farms, based on collaborative research with environmental and engineering experts
Download now
Digital transformation of offshore wind consent management
Briain O'Dowd - Director of Energy and Fuels


Director of Energy and Fuels