LNG Logistics

In an environment where demand planning and logistics are particularly complex, Twinn helps de-risk decision-making across the LNG value chain and project lifecycle. 

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 LNG (Liquified Natural Gas) tanker anchored in small gas terminal island with tanks for storage

Plan, scale and de-risk at this critical moment for LNG

How should we diversify and expand to meet rising demand? What's the most operationally feasible and commercially viable way to hit targets? How can we satisfy customers that we have the capacity to meet their needs?

Given the geopolitical situation, the LNG industry is having to answer these complex questions thick and fast. And it’s working to tight timescales to deliver projects requiring intense scrutiny of operational contingencies, technical assumptions and commercial risks.

For more than 20 years, our experts have helped LNG production, terminal and shipping companies answer complex questions and make more informed decisions. Our predictive simulation solutions help you go beyond the constraints of scheduling tools and static analyses – so you can understand, visualise and experiment with real-world operational characteristics in a risk-free, virtual environment. As a result, you get clarity and confidence to deliver performance-changing outcomes.

LNG terminals and shipping companies globally leverage our software, data and domain expertise to make informed decisions across the value chain and project lifecycle.

Pre-FEED and FEED validation

Twinn solutions simulate extraction rates, liquefaction production rates, equipment reliability, onshore and floating storage options, maintenance schedules and strategies, and the impact of scaling operations – so you can assess choices and validate plans.

Supply chain and investment stress testing

With Twinn predictive simulation, you can rapidly stress test the implications of technical and financial options throughout the entire project lifecycle – from pre-FEED and FEED studies to commercial operations. 

Operational insight

You get an engaging visual analytics interface that helps you better understand operational dynamics and more clearly communicate the impact of design and commercial choices. 

Twinn LNG Logistics Simulator 

Twinn LNG Logistics Simulator is an out-of-the-box solution based on our 20 years’ industry experience. It gives you a suite of configurable, rapidly deployable modules covering the entire LNG value chain from source to customer. 

From long-term horizon planning to verification assessments, annual demand planning and operational optimisation – it provides you with insight into proposals and foresight to manage potential problems. 

Twinn LNG Logistics Simulator offers configurable models for:

Liquefaction terminals  Trains, storage, jetties, berths and channels
Shipping  Fleet, voyage and portfolio planning
Receiving terminals  Regasification, demand and nominations

Dealing with Energy Challenge – Hydrogen and LNG Logistics 

Expansion for the future

Read how predictive simulation can aid with managing LNG terminal demand

What you can do with Twinn


The reality of your operations, processes, asset performance and risk exposure, answering questions like: “How are our assets performing right now?”, “Will our drilling schedule enable us to deliver in line with our targets?” or “What are our actual supply chain risks – and how can we mitigate them?”


Future requirements and issues, so you can respond proactively to changing demands and disruptions: “Will certain design/commercial choices give us the capacity we need?”, “What would be the impact of a major weather event or traffic disruption?” or “What storage do we need at different times based on demand seasonality and regas rates?”


Unnecessary delays, costs, losses, risks and safety issues by finding answers to questions including: “What maintenance schedules will maximise equipment reliability?”, “How can we stay ahead of daylight restrictions and weather/tide patterns?” or “What operational improvements will prevent accidents?”


Performance by making evidence-based decisions, solving problems like: “How do we balance storage, variable offtake and variability in vessel call size to optimise annual demand planning?”, “How should we sequence decisions within CapEx and continuous improvement projects to maximise ROI and minimise risk?” or “How do we optimise assets and deliver a high standard of service for all traffic coming in and out of the terminal?”

Predictive simulation simplifies annual LNG demand plan optimisation

Impact story

How FSRU Operators Can Optimise Annual Demand Planning Amid The Energy Crisis

The IEA has called it ‘the first truly global crisis in history,’ and it's hitting Europe disproportionately. Russian gas represents 30-45% of European gas demand and spending almost 100 million euros, so reducing reliance will have life-saving potential this winter.

Briain O'Dowd - Director of Energy and Fuels


Director of Energy and Fuels