Twinn L-Sim BPMN simulation engine

Enhance your business process management software with powerful, easy-to-integrate predictive simulation capabilities.

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Want to offer predictive simulation through your business process management software?

There’s no need to build your own features or rely on academic tools with a limited industry track record.

Instead, power your predictive simulation offering with Twinn L-Sim.

L-Sim gives you our leading-edge simulation capabilities in accordance with BPMN and BPSim standards. It’s a proven solution built by experts who helped develop BPSim – and has been used by leading business process software management providers for more than 10 years. Quick and easy to integrate, it’s a simple way to give your users more insight into dynamic processes – and more value from your solution.

Why Twinn L-Sim

Added value for customers
By enhancing your solution with predictive simulation, you empower users to improve process design, identify the best KPIs, optimise staff deployments, maximise customer value, prioritise investments and more.
Cutting-edge simulation capabilities
L-Sim leverages decades of simulation experience from our Twinn Witness software.

Its powerful Java simulation is specifically designed for dynamic analysis of business processes.
Easy integration, fully maintained
Thanks to its powerful API, L-Sim is essentially ‘plug and play’ for desktop, server and cloud-based BPM solutions.

Importantly, it’s also fully maintained – so you have confidence in its security and compliance.
Twinn L-Sim BPMN simulation engine

Alignment with industry standards

L-Sim supports the BPMN 2.0 Interchange and BPSim standards.

In fact, our experts were even part of the core team that developed BPSim, the standard designed to encourage simulation adoption within BPM.

L-Sim in action

L-Sim powers predictive simulation capabilities for leading business process management software companies. Read how select partners are incorporating L-Sim into their solutions.

Powering simulation in Sparx Systems’ Enterprise Architect platform

Enterprise Architect delivers fast and intuitive modelling and design, enabling Sparx Systems’ customers to visualise, analyse, model, test and maintain their systems, software, processes and architectures.

When searching for a simulation engine, Sparx Systems was impressed with L-Sim’s functionality, BPMN 2.0 compliance and integration capabilities, as well as our track record and expertise.

Powered by L-Sim, Enterprise Architect’s execution engine now gives users the ability to configure BPSim simulation against BPMN diagrams. This makes for seamless integration between model, configuration, simulation and results.

Whether it’s testing ideas, identifying optimal staffing ratios, experimenting with probabilities, altering event timing and duration, or eliminating bottlenecks – L-Sim helps users obtain detailed insights before funds are committed.
Man looks at BPM graphic wall
Business developer using BPM framework on laptop

Enabling Bizagi to demonstrate the value of process improvements

A leader in low-code process automation, Bizagi’s powerful platform empowers users with any level of programming skill to create applications. Through its partnership approach, it enables customers to orchestrate systems, people, bots and data – increasing efficiency and agility.

Bizagi chose L-Sim to power the simulation element of its platform. Simulation demonstrates the value potential process improvements can deliver, and helps Bizagi users to determine where to focus their efforts.

Covering process validation, time analysis, resource analysis and calendar analysis, Bizagi’s L-Sim-powered capabilities allow users to create multiple scenarios and perform real-world process analyses.

ESTECO and Twinn collaborate on innovative research and products

Specialising in numerical optimisation and data management, ESTECO is a leading software provider and long-term Twinn partner.

It selected L-Sim to power simulation in Cardanit, its next-generation BPM SaaS platform.

With the constant support of experts at Twinn, ESTECO used L-Sim to simulate and optimise the capacity of the railway system of the port of Trieste, in Italy. BPMN and BPSim standards, together with L-Sim engine, allowed for a rich and reliable model including train movements and documental processes.
Digital solution being used on tablet
Flowchart with Arrows Illustrating Processes and Complexity

Achieving Continuous Improvement: The Power of ARIS Simulation

As a leader in intelligence processes, ARIS is committed to unlocking companies' full potential and empowering them to become champions within their industry.

By leveraging its partnership with Twinn through its partner shop in its Simulation platform, ARIS ensures ongoing business process enhancement and facilitates evidence-based decision-making within a risk-free, virtual environment.

The ARIS Simulation eliminates guesswork in process optimisation, driving a cycle of continuous improvement and empowering organisations to unlock their full potential.

Partner with Twinn

Our process is geared towards your requirements so you maximise the value of integrating predictive simulation with your software. It starts with a discussion of what you’re looking to achieve – so let’s arrange a time to chat.
Mark Nunns - Global Commercial Director, Climate Resilience


Global Commercial Director, Climate Resilience