Wastewater treatment technologies: put biology to work

Proven in decades of service at wastewater treatment plants worldwide, our specialist products give you the tools to meet today’s most pressing challenges – improving capacity, performance, and sustainability, while cutting the total cost of ownership. Each one enhances a trusted biological process, transforming your results without risk.
Water technology Kaumera

As one of the world’s leading wastewater treatment consultancies, we see the challenges facing wastewater professionals. For decades, we have worked with forward-thinking water authorities and research universities to support technology that can help you solve key issues, without taking a risk on unproven techniques.

All of these products are delivering full-scale results at wastewater treatment plants around the world. Individually or together, they can help prepare for tomorrow’s challenges, while meeting the needs of today.

Nereda®: cost-effective nutrient removal in a compact space

GWI’s #1 breakthrough technology of the past decade, Nereda aerobic granular sludge is now delivering results for wastewater treatment plants on six continents.

A robust, single-tank version of the activated sludge approach you already know, it’s a fast, cost-effective, efficient, and sustainable way to meet challenging effluent quality targets biologically, in a limited space. No membranes or plastic support media, no clarifiers, and no anoxic and aerobic separation.

It can also be used flexibly with ferric salts, to meet tomorrow’s ultra-low nutrient targets with a far smaller chemical dose.

Nereda l Royal HaskoningDHV

Bioresources technology: higher yields at lower costs 

With increasing cost pressures – alongside a growing focus on sustainability and the circular economy – water utilities are looking again at the valuable resources they extract from their wastewater. Our bioresources products make that simple and cost-effective, maximising yields while reducing installation, maintenance, and sludge disposal costs.

Ephyra®: better anaerobic digestion, in 80% less space

Proven in full-scale environments since 2017, Ephyra refines the anaerobic digestion process you already know to accelerate sludge breakdown, increase biogas yields, and improve treatment capacity by 50-80%. Without pre-treatments, chemicals, or additional digesters, it enhances output while cutting costs – typically achieving payback within three years.

Helea®: efficient, low-maintenance AAD pre-treatment

Helea is the simplest, cheapest, and most environmentally responsible way to pasteurise and hydrolyse your sludge. It’s a straightforward, low-maintenance way to enjoy the benefits of Advanced Anaerobic Digestion (AAD) – greater biogas yields and Class A quality in a limited space – while reducing capital and operation costs by 25-30%.

Kaumera®: biopolymer resource recovery

A natural biopolymer extracted from Nereda installations, Kaumera gives you the opportunity to create a new revenue stream while cutting sludge disposal costs – reducing volumes by up to 30%. As well as the extraction technology itself, we can help you establish buyer relationships, maximising the circular value of your wastewater.

Crystalactor™: cost-effective mineral extraction
If you’re treating hardness, heavy metals, phosphates, sulphates, or fluoride, you’re potentially disposing of valuable chemical resources. Crystalactor lets you extract them in a convenient, crystalline form, ready for recovery and recycling. It’s a proven, zero-waste process that’s compact and cost-efficient – and works in waste, process, and drinking water plants.
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The Aquasuite innovation l Royal HaskoningDHV

Twinn Aqua Suite

Twinn Aqua Suite provides software that operates as an AI-powered analyst and autopilot for water utilities and industries. It monitors, analyses, visualises and controls the performance of water and wastewater infrastructure through predictive analytics and machine learning. While you gain full real-time visibility across your complete water and/or wastewater network and treatment, Aqua Suite controls your day-to-day operations.

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