Smart asset management services for maritime facilities

Your assets are big investments, and key contributors to your performance and risk. We provide lasting support to help you balance these factors, from strategy and digitalisation to maintenance and optimisation – to extend asset lifecycles, boost performance, and build resilience in a changing world.
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Maritime asset management

Maritime assets have long lifecycles and must operate effectively in harsh environments to keep your facility running smoothly. Your assets have to work together to make your facility safe, resilient, and efficient – but keeping track of their condition and maintenance can be complex.

You need to appropriately maintain a variety of assets, each with different usage, lifespans, service agreements, and performance demands. And to get the most return from these large-scale investments, you must keep them functional through market, environmental, and regulatory changes.

Asset management doesn’t, however, stop at maintenance. By optimising your most business-critical assets with digital technology, you can maximise their performance, and efficiency, while delivering even more value to staff and customers.

At Royal HaskoningDHV, we’re world-leaders in port and infrastructure design with over 140 years’ experience. We bring together digital tools and industry-leading expertise to provide a fresh approach to maritime asset management. 

Guided by international best practice, our team will help you get the most out of your existing assets and the way you work with them. We can also support you with strategic guidance to make sure investments in new assets deliver maximum value and long-term resilience.

We’ll open the door to the latest technology innovations, too. From BIM and drones to AI and investment strategy, our team can support you with innovative asset management techniques that will help you create a port that’s ready for the future.

Comprehensive asset management backed by world-leading expertise

Asset management strategy that delivers maximum value

We combine international best practice, like ISO55000, and our experience of your local context to create the right strategy to deliver the most business improvement. 

Our team will give you a comprehensive understanding of your current maturity, a holistic plan to take it to the next level, and training to put your team in the best position for success.

Proactive asset maintenance to boost performance and resilience

With the right techniques and digitalisation for easy repeatability, you can achieve higher quality and more cost-effective inspections. We help you adopt those techniques and embrace digital solutions, like drones, to capture inspection data from your structures and assets. 

Our decades of design and inspection experience means we know the best way to maintain and improve your infrastructure while balancing cost and risk. Alongside our expertise in climate resilience and adaption, we offer comprehensive support to boost long-term asset performance and predict problems before they emerge.

Smart services to drive innovative digital transformation

Our engineers and specialists work together with our in-house digital team to help you adopt the latest technology to optimise your assets. 

With smart solutions like sensors, machine learning, and digital twins – enabled by robust processes to  deeper your knowledge of your assets – you can respond to issues faster, plan more successfully, and improve safety and resilience at your facility.

Learn more about our Asset Management expertise:

Our asset management services include:

Gavin Wright - Principal consultant Maritime asset management


Principal consultant Maritime asset management