Enabling net zero value chain: Scope 3

Our expertise covers all elements of the value chain, including products, transport, and end of life, and we can help you formulate a strategy for upstream or downstream decarbonisation of your value chain, as well as providing various solutions to support that strategy, including circularity.
Overcoming scope 3 emissions challenges with green procurement

Scope 3 emissions reduction strategy

Addressing Scope 3 emissions is vital in your decarbonisation and sustainability journey, but it requires collaboration throughout the entire value chain.

Upstream decarbonisation of your value chain may include: supplier management programmes to manage the carbon intensity of purchased good and services and to optimise your upstream logistics. Downstream decarbonisation however may include: waste management in operations, downstream distribution and last-mile distribution, the use of sold products, and their end-of-life management.

Where industry hurdles meet expertise 

Helping you overcome important industry challenges

Procurement sustainability in the value chain

Procurement sustainability and supplier management

We help you reduce Scope 3 emissions in your value chain, by addressing the procurement of goods and services and by helping you implement supplier management systems. We offer supplier engagement programmes, to structure the emission reporting of your suppliers and to allow you to drive CO2 reductions, leading to green procurement.

Green Public Procurement (GPP) – including circular – procurement standards are increasingly used by governments to seek the procurement of goods, services and works with a reduced environmental impact throughout their life cycle. We help you with the implementation of such standards in your projects, buildings, or manufacturing and packaging processes.

Procurement sustainability and optimisation of logistics in the supply chain leading to less value chain emissions

Transport and logistics

Optimisation of logistics can significantly reduce your value chain emissions. We help you reimagine your supply chains to realise efficiency gains and increase resilience. Benefit from our strong analytical tools and predictive modelling, to reduce emissions on upstream logistics of bulk materials and components, to the downstream distribution of your products and last mile delivery.

Decarbonisation of supply chains may include changing transport modalities, fuel shifts, and the electrification of vehicles. We can help you to make actionable business cases for the investment in sustainable supply chains, together with your upstream and downstream partners.

Making use of production waste in your value chain to tackle scope 3 emissions challenges

Waste from own operations

Waste from your own operations is also part of the Scope 3 emissions challenges, therefore we help you with waste management strategies to reduce waste, to feed it back into production, or to find new and value-adding use cases for your waste.

Farmer on coffee plant

Track & trace

Make your sustainability claims and scope 3 emissions reporting more credible through solid guarantees of origin of the materials in your products. Mass balancing approaches, increasing shares of biobased or circular material use, while at the same time allowing you to promise safe and sustainable final products.

Increasing lifetime of end-products and ensuring less scope 3 emissions

Use of sold products

The use phase may represent significant emissions in the life cycle of a product or asset. We help you with energy efficiency improvements, end-user behaviour programmes, and lifetime extension options. Repairability, recyclability, or other design measures that increase the lifetime, will help you to reduce the impact of your products or assets.

Optimisation of the collection and separation of product waste due to scope 3 emission reduction strategies

End-of-life of sold products

Governments and consumers increasingly demand producer responsibility for the circular end-of-life management of products or assets. We offer decommissioning plans, circular economy and scope 3 emissions reduction strategies for the optimisation of collection and separation of waste, increasing the retention of value of your materials. We can also support you to recycle the waste and create the most added value.


Journey to Net Zero: how can my manufacturing operation comply?

  • Discover a proven four-step process to achieve your sustainability targets while optimizing costs.  
  • Learn how to set local targets, analyze scenarios, and make data-driven financial decisions for impactful investments. 
  • Benefit from Royal HaskoningDHV's holistic approach to secure best-value sustainability investments and future-proof your business.
Net zero
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Collaborative approach to sustainable excellence 

Why clients work with RoyalHaskoningDHV?

At Royal HaskoningDHV, we aim to 'Enhance Society Together' with our clients. By working closely with your team as an extension of your organization, we gain a deep understanding of your specific goals and priorities. This ensures that our solutions are meticulously tailored to your business needs and challenges. 

Leadership in innovation
Our engineering consultants help companies lead industrial transformation, balancing societal benefits with a reduced environmental footprint. Our expertise spans all project phases, emphasizing digital solutions for predictive maintenance and efficient operations
Sustainability expertise
Our extensive experience in sustainable engineering ensures your operations meet environmental goals. We provide clear, actionable plans entegrating renewable processes, offering strategic assurance for sustainable investments and business continuity
Local and global expertise
Combining local insights with global best practices, our experts ensure effective solutions for your business. We empower leadership to turn vision into reality, syncing team goals with corporate plans to navigate challenges proficiently 
Advanced technological integration
We leverage advanced digital tools and Industry 4.0 technologies to optimize operations and drive efficiency. Our solutions address manufacturing and supply chain challenges, including decarbonization and sustainable practices, ensuring your operations are competitive and future-proof
Strategic partnerships
Acting as an extension of your team, Royal HaskoningDHV aligns solutions with your strategic goals for long-term success. We offer tailored insights and innovative solutions, maximizing productivity and fostering growth through collaborative project handling
Resilience and adaptability
Our approach keeps your business competitive and resilient amid evolving demands. We prepare your operations for challenges like decarbonization, providing strategic oversight on trends such as AI and sustainability to ensure future growth and profitability.

What it all comes down to

Ultimately, our goal is to facilitate impactful sustainability journeys – ensuring that your business doesn’t just survive but stays ahead in an era of tightening regulations and evolving market demands. 

If you are looking to redefine what’s possible in industrial manufacturing, together, we can pave the way to a more sustainable, productive, and prosperous future.

Jochem Lambers - Senior consultant Value chain sustainability


Senior consultant Value chain sustainability

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