Green Ports Maturity Scan

Gain insight into your current sustainability status with our quick scan assessment green port tool.
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cargo ships in a green port benefiting from green ports maturity scan

Quickly understand your port's sustainability status

Before you can start to make your port greener, you need to get a baseline of your current emissions footprint, energy use, and resilience to climate hazards. From there, you can find appropriate steps for short- and long-term improvements.

Our online maturity scan will help you understand where you are today and give you a head start on your sustainability journey.

It covers five key themes: decarbonisation, energy efficiency, water and waste, pollution, and climate resilience to give a holistic insight into your green port level. By understanding which areas you’re already strong in, and which need a bit of work you’ll be able to make insight-driven plans for improvement.

Expert guidance to make the most of your results

As well as your green port score, our expert team will provide recommendations for sustainability improvements in your port. And we’re always on hand if you want to discuss your specific needs further.

Start your Green Ports ScanStart your Green Ports Scan
green ports maturity scan report
Richard Willis - Green Ports Business Development Director


Green Ports Business Development Director

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Improve your port’s sustainability with comprehensive support

The Green Port team at Royal HaskoningDHV has a deep understanding of the challenges facing sensitive maritime environments. Our experts are ready to help you operate efficiently, boost your performance, and improve the sustainability of your facilities.

We’ve worked with individual ports and port groups, terminal operators, port authorities, trade bodies, port tenants, and contractors across the globe – putting us in the best position to find the solutions that will deliver for you.

Our dedicated team is made up of experts in maritime design, masterplanning, environmental impacts, alternative energy, and economics that deliver a tailored blend of maritime-specific sustainability advice that’s structured around your goals.

We’re trusted green port consultants because we deliver:

  • Local knowledge with global influence – Our robust approach to understanding the local context, combined with our resources and experience in the international maritime market, means we can tailor suitable, best practice solutions to your business.
  • Sustainable solutions that protect business continuity – We use our decades of maritime experience and operational expertise to provide solutions that minimise disruption. Because we understand how vital business continuity is to sustainable growth.
  • Decarbonisation support in an evolving landscape – Helping clients decarbonise is one of our core services – supporting the urgent transition to Net Zero. We provide guidance within a rapidly changing regulatory landscape, ensuring outcomes are compliant and giving you confidence in the process.

With our maritime consultants at your side, you can be sure you’re getting robust and deliverable solutions – that will support you into a greener future. Find out more about our green port consultancy service.