Flex power solutions

Empower your organization to seize control over energy consumption, navigate price fluctuations, and reduce carbon emissions through the transformative capabilities of Flexible Power Solutions.
Flexible energy services and solutions

In the pursuit of our climate goals, the imperative switch from fossil-based energy to sustainable and renewable energy sources, like wind and solar, is clear. The harmony of the sustainable sources with the conventional sources from powerplants introduces unpredictability. Wind strength and sunlight hours are variables that cause peaks in supply, resulting in fluctuating energy prices. These changes, influenced by renewable energy production, demand flexibility.

Moreover, local grids often lack the capacity required for modern industry needs, with lengthy queues for upgrades. Royal HaskoningDHV presents the solution: Flexible Power Solutions. Our unique four-step approach empowers you to navigate ever-changing energy markets, master price fluctuations, and overcome grid limitations.

A four-step approach to unlock flexible electrification

Energy analysis

Collaboratively, we analyse your energy consumption with your operators. Identifying key drivers, mapping energy demand patterns, future expansions, reductions, and critical process constraints. All to define the solution space for your site. 

Technical feasibility
Our meticulous technical analysis evaluates your project's feasibility, addressing tech needs, resources, scalability, and potential disruptions. We also assess new technologies for compatibility, readiness, and long-term advantages, optimizing your outcomes.
Flexibility identification
Our three-angle approach uncovers strategies to enhance your energy consumption flexibility, from production shifts to optimized storage solutions. We leave no stone unturned in maximizing your energy flex potential.
Business Case Development
Collaborating with your finance team, we analyze the financial aspects of flexibility. Taping into various electric markets, including grid balancing services. Our experts assess costs, revenues, risks, and benefits, to determine the financial viability of flexible assets.
Maximizing revenue streams through grid balancing with EV home charging

Maximizing revenue streams through grid balancing with EV home charging

To determine the potential revenue streams from grid balancing services using EV home charging, providing essential input for the client's business case to utilize their EV chargers pool while adhering to regulatory constraints on flexible charging potential. This project empowered the client to optimize their flex potential and gain a comprehensive understanding of key aspects of the business case.

Powering tomorrow's ports: shore charging with onshore batteries

To calculate the business case for implementing onshore batteries to store electricity for shore-to-ship charging while docked, exploring diverse markets for potential electricity cost savings and return on investment. This project provided the client with valuable insights into the most promising electricity markets for deploying shore power batteries.
Powering tomorrow's ports: shore charging with onshore batteries

Achieving Net Zero industries

To support industries become emission-free by 2050 we developed a 9-step decarbonisation journey to net zero.
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Flex Power solutions empowering energy control & sustainability
Freek  Diepeveen - Consultant Flex energy solutions

Freek Diepeveen

Consultant Flex energy solutions