Corporate water strategy

We offer the expert guidance that businesses need to prepare forward-thinking recommendations for setting corporate water targets to manage risks and prioritise investments.
Water body creating a roadmap surrended by green rainforest

Water usage impacts the bottom line of large multinationals in every industrial sector. They face risks around legislation, operational costs, business continuity, and brand reputation – and the cost of doing nothing could be more than five times the cost of action.

Royal HaskoningDHV helps businesses identify water-related risks and enhance their plans through actionable strategies that support board-level decision-making. As a trusted water partner, we help large, well-known, businesses mitigate these risks, meet regulatory obligations, and align stakeholders.

Our independent Consultancy for Corporate Water Strategy combines technical engineering expertise with strategic consultancy and project management.

The integrated services include:

  • Corporate benchmarking to inform water goals and policies
  • Scenario analysis and decision-support tools to improve investment strategies
  • Target setting for corporate water goals
  • Reporting on water as part of the European Union’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and other requirements
Lennart Silvis

Embracing a robust corporate water strategy isn't just about safeguarding water as a precious resource – it's a pivotal component of a company's broader commitment to ESG responsibility.

Lennart Silvis Global Director, Water for Industry

Strategic consulting partner – experts in ESG and implementation

One place for water strategy and implementation expertise

We go beyond strategic recommendations: we support with master plans, technology selection, and implementation. With 140 years of water engineering heritage, we can help upgrade existing systems and streamline operations to implement your water strategy.

One eye on the regulations of today and tomorrow

We make sure you are better prepared for new regulations, like the upcoming CSRD – which puts climate resilience, water pollution, and water resources in the spotlight – so you can ensure compliance while acting more efficiently, responsibly, and collaboratively.

Water strategy – a vital component of ESG responsibility

Incorporating a corporate water strategy goes beyond resource protection –it's a vital facet of your commitment to your ESG responsibility. Our services help you connect your water strategy with your broader ESG framework.

A comprehensive water risk assessment

Water scarcity, pollution, climate change, stakeholder demands, and more stringent regulations can affect the availability, quality, and cost of water for your operations and supply chains. Our services help you gain deep insight into your industry’s water-related risks – and a broad overview of them – through a complete risk evaluation.

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