Complete asset management for drinking water utilities

We deliver strategic, integrated, and technical industry-specific advice covering the entire asset management lifecycle. Learn how to build strategic asset investment plans and refine asset management processes to prepare for challenges around climate change, technology, and an ageing workforce.
assets in a drinking water utility

Drinking water utilities face several challenges in the short and long term. They must monitor asset status, maintain sufficient water supply, and manage new pollutants in raw water sources – all while digitalising processes and retaining knowledge as staff age, retire, and more quickly change jobs.

Our integrated solution to these problems – Complete Asset Management – includes strategic, technical, and organisational guidance that supports drinking water utilities, for now and in the future, across the entire asset management lifecycle.

With this complete lifecycle approach, we can deliver a comprehensive asset management service that futureproofs your equipment – and your organisation – against future threats, opportunities, and developments.

A full service to futureproof your assets and keep them healthy

Combined asset management and drinking water expertise
Our team delivers a rare combination of expertise, knowledge, and experience that crosses asset management and drinking water. Backed by 140 years experience of engineering in water management, we apply our strategic and technical advice to deliver a complete, integrated asset management service specifically designed for drinking water utilities.
Deep knowledge spanning the whole water cycle
As specialists in drinking water, wastewater, and water for industry, we learn from our internal advisory groups in other business lines. We have teams supporting drinking water pipelines, process automation, and asset management on mobility, infrastructure, and buildings – all sharing knowledge, so our people have the latest guidance.
Covering the full asset lifecycle
The drinking water asset lifecycle is an infinity loop with six interdependent stages: Imagine, Design & Engineer, Build, Operate & Maintain, Monitor & Control, and Optimise. Because each stage is triggered by the one before it and affects the one after, we advise across the entire lifecycle, drawing on our expertise and experience in each stage.
Helping you futureproof your assets
We can help you go beyond immediate flow and output goals and start pre-emptively tackling long-term development challenges. These include ensuring your assets meet new standards on emerging contaminants before regulations come into force, and coping with the risks of climate change at an early stage. 
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