Supplying Dutch industry with emission-free hydrogen

Emission-free hydrogen is expected to play a vital role in the transition to a sustainable carbon-free Dutch industry. To turn this dream into reality, the Institute for Sustainable Process Technology (ISPT) developed the Hydrohub Innovation Programme. We are contributing to the programme, helping regions identify where large scale H2 production sites can fit into their spatial plans. The results of the project will help to drive progress in the design and development of economically viable green hydrogen facilities.
Design of industrial site

Project facts

  • Client
    ISPT Hydrohub
  • Location
    Netherlands, 5 industrial clusters
  • Period
    2019 - present
  • Solution
    Parametric plot layout, Civil cost estimation, stakeholder workshops, GIS infrastructure visualization

Hydrohub scales up

An important part of the programme focuses on the large-scale supply of carbon-neutral or green hydrogen for the Dutch industry. Green hydrogen can be generated through electrolysis, powered by renewable energy sources such as wind or sun. To introduce real change into the industry, the electrolysis technology must be scaled-up to meet demand. With this goal in mind, the ISPT initiated the Gigawatt Electrolysis Factory to explore the design of a Gigawatt (GW) electrolyser.

All individual technologies involved in the design of a GW electrolyser are readily available. However, the Gigawatt scale is new as none currently exist. By addressing the uncertainties that surround the design of a GW electrolyser, the project provides the insight needed to plan ahead and take the necessary steps to de-carbonise the industry.

Paving the way for green hydrogen for industrial clusters

The Netherlands has five important industrial clusters: Chemelot, North Sea Port, Noordzee kanaal, Rotterdamse Haven and the Groningen Seaport region. The limited availability of space in the Netherlands requires these regions to think strategically about future locations for these initiatives.

Using our expertise and knowledge of the individual technologies, we developed potential plot plans for each of these regions, allowing them to anticipate the development of a future GW electrolyser. Furthermore, this project highlighted innovations that are necessary to materialise the idea of a large-scale hydrogen production factory.
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