Modular design lets African dairy facility grow with demand

The expansion of a factory for a global dairy goods manufacturer has been designed in a modular way so it can grow in line with future demand.
Modular design, African dairy, grow with demand

Project facts

  • Client
    Global dairy goods manufacturer
  • Location
    West Africa
  • Challenge
    Expansion of hygienic and conditioned food plant in such a way it can grow in line with future demand.
  • Solution
    Modular design to grow in line with market demand enables client to manage risk more cost effectively

The challenge

Flexible factory design suits changing markets

What’s special about this solution is that it enables our client to manage risk more cheaply and effectively. In the past, new factories in emerging markets were typically built bigger than necessary to accommodate market expansion.

The solution

For this project, we designed the hygienic and conditioned food plant to be opened up gradually in line with market demand. Next to cold storage and production facilities, also utilities, including power generation, water and raw material intake can be expanded in a modular way. Furthermore, the expansion will not disrupt existing production.

Patrick Ramakers continues: "Emerging markets can be volatile, so the ability to expand as necessary is much more cost-effective than operating a half-empty facility while waiting for growth. We see an increasing demand for modular and skid-mounted solutions."

The result

We designed a flexible factory to suit changing markets.

Patrick Ramakers

It’s easy to see why modular design is popular.

Patrick Ramakers Business Development and Associate Director, Global Manufacturing and Supply Chain Projects
Steven Tsirakos - Business Development Multinationals


Business Development Multinationals