Masterplan modernisation for Toamasina Autonomous Port

Defining new priorities with a complete risk and market assessment.

Project facts

  • Client
    Toamasina Autonomous Port
  • Location
    Toamasina, Madagascar
  • Period
  • Challenge
    Updating the port’s masterplan in line with its latest economic and environmental priorities.
  • Solution
    A comprehensive market and risk assessment to drive priorities for an updated masterplan.

The challenge: updating the Toamasina Autonomous Port masterplan

Madagascar’s primary cargo port, Toamasina Autonomous Port, needed to update its masterplan in response to economic and environmental changes.

The plan, originally developed by RoyalHaskoningDHV in 2011, outlined strategic policies and guidelines for adapting to change – such as traffic growth, cargo forecasting, and climate risk.

In 2020, the port contracted us to perform a full market study to define its economic and environmental priorities ahead of developing a new port masterplan.

The solution: a comprehensive economic and environmental study

As part of our study, we assessed the port’s predicted economic outlook, competitive position, and all forecasted cargo –including liquid bulk, dry bulk, general cargo, and passengers.

We supported that research by examining regional shipping trends for containers and the local hinterland.

We also performed a thorough risk analysis to understand how economic and environmental change may affect operational continuity.

The result: modern priorities for an up-to-date masterplan

Our risk analysis helped us propose actions to improve the port’s resilience to operational disruption and climate risk.

We also provided Toamasina Autonomous Port with our complete market findings, allowing its leaders to define aset of modern priorities to create its updated port masterplan.

Our work delivered the port a new set of priorities on which to build its new masterplan, and an understanding of its economic and environmental risk.

Jolke Helbing - Director Maritime Economics & Operations


Director Maritime Economics & Operations