The aim of this project was the preparation of a comprehensive plan for a new, state-of-the-art export terminal in Jordan. Royal HaskoningDHV prepared the master plan, tender documents and assisted during the tendering and contract award, before going on to supervise its implementation.
As part of a strategic development plan of Aqaba Development Corporation, the present Phosphate Rock export terminal in the Main Port needed to be relocated to the South Port of Aqaba – at the existing fertiliser complex of Jordan Phosphate Mines Co. The relocation to the South port was due for completion in mid-2012.
Royal HaskoningDHV prepared the master plan and corresponding design, which comprises new truck intake and storage facilities in the backyard of the fertiliser plant, a new jetty with ship loaders and the connecting conveyor system. Royal HaskoningDHV then drafted tender documents and provided assistance during tendering and contract award. The company also supervised implementation.
A new state-of-the-art export terminal is now in place, designed for an annual throughput of up to 4 million tonnes. It includes twelve truck intake pits; three bulk flat stores with a total storage capacity of 240,000 tonnes; two 1.6 km pipe conveyors to the new jetty with two 2,200 tph ship loaders, and weighing and sampling facilities.