Continuously evolving data centres through innovation and adaptation

Creating a data centre today means focusing on the demands of tomorrow. Our team of 200 technical experts have a proven track record in creating technologically advanced mission critical facility designs that are fully future-proof.
Continuously evolving data centres through innovation and adaptation
Continuity is crucial in any data centre. You will benefit from highly resilient infrastructure delivered through a blend of the most innovative, creative and proven design techniques. We apply data analytics, parametric design and the latest digital advances to explore and address design challenges with precise specifications.

From edge data centres to hyperscalers, be confident that your data centre is embracing the very latest thinking and developments in the field. Our future-proof designs guarantee continuity and resilience in an ever-adapting data centre landscape.

End-to-end expertise

Our integrated, technical, end-to-end approach gives you total clarity at every step. We work with you at strategic, tactical and operational levels to guarantee robust and comprehensive decision-making throughout the journey - from initial concept to day-to-day operation. Our clients include colocation data centres, internet service providers and telecom companies.

You will benefit from a seamless experience – our multidisciplinary team is highly experienced in every phase of data centre consulting and development: Business case consultancy, site evaluation, total integrated design, permitting, regulation and compliance, project management, handover, performance monitoring, auditing and reporting.

Proactively, we thrive on resolving complex challenges, delivering new solutions and embedding new ideas. Taking digital opportunities to the next level is fundamental to how we meet and exceed our clients’ expectations.

Continuity during renovation and upgrade

Keeping an eye on the horizon is integral to our approach. Every mission critical facility will require future upgrades and evolution and it is crucial that service remains uninterrupted. We have a track record and tier accreditation for continuity during the renovation and upgrade of our client’s facilities. Our risk management solutions and data centre consulting services help you explore and mitigate against any scenario.

Discover our data centre consulting services

  • Data centre design
  • Architectural & structural engineering
  • Construction quality assurance (incl. Testing & Commissioning)
  • Mechanical & electrical engineering
  • Environmental & permitting process
  • Energy efficiency directive (EED) audit

Increased reliability and efficiency with our expert studies and analyses

In addition to our data centre design and engineering services, Royal HaskoningDHV offers specialist studies that will help you make informed decisions on your data centre project. Take advantage of the latest opportunities, increase your efficiency and reduce risks with our broad offer of expert studies and analyses. Want to learn more about these studies and analyses? Contact our experts.


Read more about data centres

    Martien Arts - Director Mission Critical Facilities


    Director Mission Critical Facilities