Navigating Climate challenges for naval bases

Upgrading naval ports and facilities to withstand growing climate hazards. 
Naval base climate adaptation

Climate change is here, and naval ports, and other facilities are already feeling its effects. Changes are happening fast, and the challenges presented by climate change require new perspectives and innovative solutions. Building resilience is essential to continue serving your fleet.

However fast carbon emissions fall, sea levels are now certain to rise – and climate hazards will become more frequent, unpredictable and severe – for many decades to come. Wherever you are in the world, your naval infrastructure will need to adapt to remain operational. 

At Royal HaskoningDHV, we recognize that navigating climate change is not just about reducing emissions - it's about creating adaptive systems that ensure the longevity and health of our communities, ecosystems, and economies.

We therefore develop our solutions, mindful of the processes that regulate the stability and resilience of natural and social systems, also known as earth’s planetary boundaries. By being mindful of this framework, and with a strategical focus on climate change, we apply our knowledge and deliver value. This contributes to the ‘bigger picture’, allowing current and future generations and societies to thrive.

To make the right adaptions, you need to understand your base’s specific climate risk. And with constantly evolving regulations and government targets, knowing the best way to protect your assets, infrastructure, and operations for the future can be difficult.

Protect your naval facility against changing climate hazards

That is why we've made it our mission to tackle these complex challenges head-on and hands-on, whilst keeping our clients, our people, our ecosystem and society at the forefront of everything we do. We have the hazard data, maritime engineering experience, and adaptation knowhow to help you build resilience to rising sea levels, heat stress, and extreme weather events.

Knowing the likely impacts on your unique site will help you identify the most important steps to effectively safeguard your operations. We’ll help you understand your risk and make informed decisions about how best to respond – ensuring you can continue to support naval operations in a changing world.

And we offer long-term support for every aspect of your naval facility – not just the physical structures, but your supply chain, stakeholders, workforce, and customer base, too.
Nick MacDonald-Robinson

We need to build resilience against climate change today, so we can continue to deliver support advantage to navies and coastguards tomorrow.

Nick MacDonald-RobinsonSector Director Defence
Nick MacDonald-Robinson - Sector Director Defence


Sector Director Defence