Climate hazards, and risk insights and awareness

It’s possible to create a climate resilience vision and adapt successfully to your increasing risk exposure. And the sooner you act the easier it will be. But with so much uncertainty, making effective decisions – and winning support for these though decisions – is not easy.
Flooded village
Before you can plan your response, you need to understand your climate risk exposure. That means quantifying the climate risks you face right now, as well as the ones you will face in future as the climate continues to change.

At Royal HaskoningDHV, we have detailed data available on climate hazards in every location around the world. We have the analytical capabilities to interpret that data, and the resilience experience to tell you what it means, and what actions to take.

Dedicated support for your needs

Public sector: protect communities without overspending

If you have to protect lives, businesses, and infrastructure, this is a challenging time. People are interacting with changing climate risks in new ways, bringing unpredictable new hazards. It’s hard to know which policies and climate adaptation measures offer the best protection – and the best use of public resources.

By modelling climate hazard scenarios, we can help you quantify those risks in a way that’s meaningful – for you, and your stakeholders. And with worldwide experience, our experts can help you understand and explain the implications of each scenario – so you can make better decisions for the people you serve. 

Private sector: ensure business continuity and meet regulations

From your global supply chain to regulatory demands for risk transparency, climate change impacts every part of your enterprise. Understanding that moving, complex picture is a huge challenge but not impossible.

Our climate hazard datasets, analytical models, and engineering experience bring you that clarity. We will translate the data into meaningful insights you can act upon – and help senior leaders to understand how climate change affects their role and their communities or business. 

Finance sector: make future-ready investment decisions

As a financial services leader, you might be used to basing your investment and risk decisions on careful analysis of historical data and trends. But with climate risk, the picture is now changing so much that past hazards have become a poor predictor of future events.

At Royal HaskoningDHV, we bridge that gap. Our multi-hazard vulnerability assessment combines real-time data with predictive models. Meanwhile, our engineering heritage gives us in-depth knowledge of how weather affects processes, assets, and the built environment – to help you understand the real-life implications.


Proactive climate hazard vulnerability and risk assessment
Gain an objective, quantified view of climate risk
Analyse real-time data for any location worldwide
Make informed decisions – and explain them clearly
Matthijs Bos

You need to understand your climate risk. That means quantifying the risks you face now, and the ones you will face in future as the climate continues to change.

Matthijs BosClimate Adaptation & Flood Resilience Lead

Our services

Assess your climate risks with Twinn

You may understand how your business impacts the climate. But do you understand how climate change impacts your processes and operations?

Twinn’s climate risk assessment helps you visualise risks and identify hazards as they develop – so you can understand, predict and mitigate their impact before they cause issues. 


George Peters - Business Development Director


Business Development Director

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