The frequent occurrence of disasters has brought serious challenges to the sustainable development of vulnerable communities and therefore, decision making during and post disasters, plays an increasingly significant role in improving the capability to prepare for and respond to disasters.
For accurate decision making at any stage of a disaster, a considerable amount of data and information is necessary. Changing circumstances before, during, and after disaster strikes can delay crucial decision-making, which could lead to an increase in costs, damage to infrastructure, and loss of life. Information systems are therefore important instruments used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of disaster information management.
Royal HaskoningDHV’s Disaster Information Management System (ZA-DIMS) supports role-players throughout the disaster management lifecycle, from risk management planning through to incident coordination, response, recovery, and rehabilitation. With the ability to coordinate and sustain a multi-stakeholder digital information platform, clients can effectively and smartly manage on-the-ground disaster operations from one place.
ZA-DIMS modules
Our digital systems and tools are complemented by our expert disaster risk management consultancy services, including: