Defence facility sustainability strategy

Sustainability support for naval base operators and naval shipyards.
Defence facility sustainability strategy_garden island australia (1)

The climate is changing, sustainability regulations and expectations are tightening, and technology is evolving. Your defence facility needs to keep up.

Growing expectations from governments and other stakeholders are bringing the importance of sustainability into sharp focus for defence facility operators. Policy-driven targets are demanding change in how you operate your base – whether you are responsible for one site or many.

Long lead times, tight budgets, and competing defence priorities mean it can be very difficult to plan ahead. But you need to take action to start achieving net zero, reducing waste, and improving the way you manage valuable natural resources. At Royal HaskoningDHV, we have the experience to help.

Boosting sustainability for naval bases and shipyards

First, we’ll help you to understand your current position, then guide you through the regulations you need to meet, and help you take the steps that will deliver the biggest impact. Our expert team can help you meet decarbonisation goals, as well as broader ESG responsibilities as they develop.

As government policy directs defence organisations to increase focus on sustainability, you need to respond with comprehensive plans to meet those targets whilst still delivering your mandated defence outputs. We can help you achieve this by improving the way you operate your naval facilities – reducing your environmental impact. 

It’s time for defence to become more sustainable, and how you operate your naval base or shipyard can have a huge impact on the entire sector.

Nick MacDonald-RobinsonSector Director Defence
Nick MacDonald-Robinson - Sector Director Defence


Sector Director Defence