Green ports strategy

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important to comply with regulations and satisfy stakeholders and investors. Making your port greener requires an ambitious yet appropriate strategy, and at Royal HaskoningDHV, we’re ready to help you develop the best green ports strategy for your facility.
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A large container ship docked at a port. Green port strategy aims to reduce pollution and waste produced by ports and ships.

Every port is different and, although there are often shared practices to draw on, each operator will face a specific set of challenges to becoming greener. You need to find the right approach for your facility as you endeavour to reduce emissions and improve the sustainability of your operations.

Our experts here at Royal HaskoningDHV understand that this transition is likely to involve a combination of short-, medium-, and long-term initiatives. Developing a green ports strategy provides the opportunity to link your challenges and opportunities to improving sustainability – all set within the context of your ongoing activities and obligations.

Having a comprehensive view of your facility’s current level of sustainability demonstrates your commitment to stakeholders and potential investors. And it puts you in the best position to identify and carry out initiatives that reduce emissions and waste, while improving efficiency and enhancing biodiversity.

Our in-depth green port health check takes a holistic review of your facility’s current status and provides a baseline so you can monitor your progress. Using this output, we then guide you through the development of a green port strategy, creating ambitious goals that are realistic, clear, and deliverable.

We then delve into your priorities, targets, and existing ideas to establish an appropriate vision for your sustainable development strategy. We help you craft a strategic roadmap of actions to deliver your vision and offer ongoing advice and support with robust monitoring and reporting systems to track progress.

Our green ports strategies consider a wide range of factors, including:

  • Governance: policy, targets monitoring, auditing, and environmental management system (EMS).
  • Decarbonisation: electrification, alternative fuels, shore power, and carbon footprinting.
  • Energy efficiency: electrification, use of renewables, and energy optimisation.
  • Pollution prevention: air quality, dust management, water quality, and spill control.
  • Climate and disaster resilience: operational downtime, climate hazard and risks, climate adaptation, and disaster risk preparedness.
  • Biodiversity: ballast water and invasive species, conservation, and ecosystem services.
  • Waste and water management: resource management, ship generated waste, waste reduction, and recycling.

Gain insight into your current sustainability status with our quick scan assessment green port tool.

Start your green port scanStart your green port scan

Take our Green Ports Maturity Scan

Discover your port’s sustainability status with a quick scan – and get recommendations on how you can start making your port greener today.

Start your green port scanStart your green port scanStart your green port scan
green ports health check report mock up

Create an appropriate green port strategy for your facility, and deliver real change

Attract investment and unlock funding opportunities

An increasing number of international investors require evidence of sustainable development goals within the infrastructure projects they provide funding for. A robust green ports strategy provides a helpful baseline from which you can build a positive position to potentially unlock additional funding avenues and attract IFI support.

Boost sustainability and resilience from every angle

A cohesive green ports strategy builds business resilience while championing sustainable practice. We fully comprehend the challenge of improving environmental performance in a commercially operational maritime setting. So, we draw on our extensive technical expertise to develop green port strategies that are effective and deliverable.

Become a renowned sustainability leader

Environmental performance is increasingly important to commercial and community stakeholders. That’s why we design green port strategies to facilitate public reporting and online engagement. Through tools such as our Health Check Assessment and Online Performance Dashboard, we maximise opportunities for raising your profile and the associated benefits this brings.

GreenPort Congress & Cruise 2024

Meet us in LeHavre, France from 23-25 October to discuss how to balance environmental challenges with economic demands. Also, join our two keynote presentations:  

  • 23 October at 14.40 | Validation of an Irish Sea green shipping corridor – Richard Willis, Technical Director
  • 24 October at 15.45 | Poole Harbour decaronisation plan – Deanna Cornell, Green Port Consultant
Register hereRegister here
An aerial view of a harbor with wind turbines and solar panels. This is an example of maritime decarbonization. Wind and solar power are two renewable energy sources that can help to decarbonize the maritime industry.
Sarah Barcroft - Green Ports Consultant


Green Ports Consultant

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